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Indian Education System Vs Abroad Education System

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and manage research. Those who get an education have higher incomes, have more opportunities in their lives, and tend to be healthier. Societies benefit as well. Societies with high rates of education completion have lower crime, better overall health, and civic involvement. Lack of access to education is think about the root of poverty.

The word ‘Education’ has been get from different Latin words as given below:

a) ‘educare’ which means ‘to bring out’ or ‘to nourish’.

b) ‘educere’ which means ‘to lead out’ or ‘to draw out’.

There are three main types of education

1. Formal

2. Informal

3. Non-formal

When did education become compulsory?

The movement for compulsory public education in the United States began in the early 1920s. Compulsory education was also widen to blind and deaf children under the Elementary Education Act of 1893, which established special schools.

Right to free and compulsory education:

In India, Every child between the ages of 6 to 14 years has the right to free and compulsory education. This is stated as per the 86th charter Amendment Act via Article 21A.‘Free education’ means that no child, other than a child who has been admitted by his or her parents to a school which is not hold up by the proper Government, shall be liable to pay any kind of fee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing easy education. ‘Compulsory education’ casts an task on the appropriate Government and local power to provide and ensure admission, attendance and completion of elementary education by all children in the 6-14 age groups.

Countries like Britain and New Zealand made education compulsory and free for children for a period of 11 years. Spain, France, Norway and Canada are among the 19 nations where education is free of cost for duration of 10 years, ranging from the age of 5 to 15 or 6 to 16 years.

Indian Education System VS Abroad Education System

The education system in India is very different from the education system in the other countries. Often, the Indian education is criticize for not providing a diverse platform to students where they get an opportunity of learning almost. Education is organic it keeps growing and evolves with time and the human mind. This is the major reason why education on condition that in different nations of the world is different. Education in India is worse than other foreign countries. Why foreign education system is better than Indian education system? I will list few differences between Indian education system and foreign education system. Have a look.

A Practical and research-based approach to education:

The process of foreign education is more of a practical approach while Indian education is more theoretical. The way they deal and implement the concepts is far more impactful in making students understand the concepts and apply those in real life situations.


Modifications found on the latest and approved research studies are implemented quite large in the curriculum of Indian universities. But foreign universities update their curriculum every few years.

Flexibility on the choice of subjects:

In India, students mostly cannot have more than one major subject. But in foreign universities give chances to their students to switch as well as choose more than one subject for their higher education.

Indian education is budget but perusing education for foreign country is always expensive on the cost of living, food, etc. get added to the overall expenditure.

Due to shortage of funds, facilities and mediums, Indian education is not able to provide the opportunities to their students for research-based knowledge work. But research education in many foreign deemed institutions is being back by govt. as well as by many big organizations like google, Microsoft, etc. Therefore, the chances of good research initiations are increasing.

A Field of your liking or a tested route:
Foreign education system encourages a student to go for a subject based on their liking. However, Indian students have to opt. for science subjects if a student has good score otherwise they have to opt commerce or arts related subjects.

India has not yet been able to internationalize education in order to attract students from various countries to choose courses offered by Indian universities. Whereas students in abroad gets better exposure because they belongs to different countries.

Indian universities have limited scholarships. Whereas, foreign universities provide numerous scholarships to international; students and they can also take part in work-study programmed.

Creativity or marks:

In India, the students’ creativity level is zero because they focus more on scoring marks to get into a good school or college. In contrast, foreign education system allows and encourages students to think out of the box and manifests their creative side.

Co-curricular activities:

Indian education system only emphasize in students whereas foreign universities also engage students in sports and arts activities along with studies.

Education as business:

In India, education is becoming business. Whereas in Dubai, primary and secondary education is free and it is made compulsory in law.

Trendy education:

In India, students take admission seeing the trends. But in foreign countries, students wait until they get admission into their field of interest.

Teaching methods:

Indian education system is more teacher-driven and classroom teaching forms a large part of student engagement. Whereas, foreign education system is more student driven and involves students more in non-classroom teaching.

Return of investment:

ROI of Indian universities depends upon the college you are going to join and is conditional. Whereas, studding abroad might be expensive but one is able to start his or her own career. So ROI is good in foreign universities.

Degree or knowledge:

In India, degree is more important than the level of knowledge you have. Unlike India, foreign countries education is taken as learning process and students learn the concepts while they study and apply those in their work culture.

Job opportunities:

Indian universities have limited job opportunities to top educational institutes but international universities provide excellent job opportunities.

List of Foreign Scholarships Offered to Indian Students

1. Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship- UK
Offered by the Commonwealth Scholarships task, the scholarship is offered to Indian students with English as the medium of education and a minimum of 60% marks in Social Sciences and mankind or at least 65% marks in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Agriculture.

2. Tata Scholarship- Cornell University, USA
Tata Scholarship is provide by Tata Education and Development Trust to support approximately 20 scholars from India in collaboration with Cornell University. The scholarship is give annually and recipients will receive the scholarship for the duration of their undergraduate studies at Cornell University. The university has got a $25 million endowment from the Tata Trust.

3. Chevening Scholarships- UK
This scholarship is offered to remarkable Indian students to give them the opportunity to pursue a one-year doctorate program at any UK university in any subject. Only a graduate or a postgraduate who wishes to pursue a master’s degree in the UK can apply for the scheme. He/she may also have at least 2 years of work experience. The fund shall cover tuition, living.

4. Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation Scholarships- the USA, UK and Europe
It gives an opportunity to young people with exceptional talent in any field to broaden their horizon abroad and improve their skills as to work in society. There are two types of Scholarship – University courses and Specific programs. The Scholarships are unlatch to all Indian citizens with a good first degree from a accept university in India. They must be below 30 years of age and have at least two years of work experience expenses, travel cost to and from the UK and other allowances.

5. Felix Scholarships- UK
Introduced to help the meritorious underprivileged students from India, the UK offers the Felix Scholarship to those who want to pursue a postgraduate degree in the country. The applicant must hold a first-class Bachelor’s degree from a recognized Indian university and also be below 30 years of age. Under this scholarship, a maximum of £71,700 shall be give.

6. UBC International Leader of Tomorrow Award- British Columbia University, Canada
The scholarship is granted to global students applying for undergraduate programs at the British Columbia University, Canada. To be eligible for the same, one has to meet the requirements of the program and English language and should also produce all the need-based documents. Tuition, living expenses and other financial support will be offered through this scholarship.

7. Australia Awards Scholarship
A fully funded scholarship, this scholarship is awarded only to undergraduate and postgraduate applicants from specific Indian universities. The applicant shall also be a recent graduate from the target institution. Expenses covered under this scholarship includes tuition, living expenses, establishment allowance, return air ticket, and more

8. Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships- USA
Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships are offered by United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) to Indian Master’s degree applicants in the fields of arts and culture, international legal studies, gender studies, public administration, urban and regional planning and so on. It is open for students who have completed 4 years of education and have at least 3 years of work experience.

Canada is at top in education:
56.27% of adults having earned some kind of higher education in Canada. So, Canada tops the list as the most educated country in the world. By the end of 2018, the total strength of Punjabi students in Canada was estimated to be around 170,000. Studying in Canada is much cheapest than many other countries. Many international students choose to study in Canada for the low tuition prices, ease and comfort of living and great reputation of the universities.

Therefore, we conclude that abroad education system is working quite good as compare to Indian education system in the field of education and researches. There are lots of other reasons that prove the superiority of foreign education system. We seriously need change in education system and not only in education system but also need change in the mentality of Indians.

If you are facing any problem regarding selection of college, courses or subjects for higher education in foreign countries then take guidance from us.

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